BIM Activities of Semaino
With Building Information Modelling (BIM), digitalization is now also entering the construction industry. BIM aims to create a building model that includes all the information about the building, covering the entire life cycle of the building, from planning to construction, use, demolition and recycling of the building elements. Product data also plays a major role, as much of the data in a building model is supplied by the manufacturers of products installed in the building.
Standardization in the BIM environment is being promoted by the international organization buildingSMART, in cooperation with European and international standardization committees, namely the CEN TC 442 and ISO TC 59/SC 13.
From the point of view of data exchange, the most important elements are the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD), as well as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), the standard for displaying and exchanging building models.
Dr. Wolfgang Wilkes from Semaino is actively involved in various projects in the context of BIM standards. One project is the internationalization of the VDI 3805 to a European and international standard (EN/ISO 16757). This includes, on the one hand, the definition of the VDI 3805 properties in the bSDD, and on the other hand, the representation of the VDI 3805 catalog format in IFC. Another project is the transfer of relevant eCl@ss content to the bSDD.
An important basis for these projects is the accreditation of Semaino as an agent for the bSDD. This gives Semaino the right to introduce new content into the bSDD and to support companies and associations that want to connect their data to the BIM standards and therefore plan to integrate their data definitions into the bSDD.
If you are interested in this topic and in these projects, please contact wilkes@semaino.de.
We will discuss the topics raised here in further articles at irregular intervals.